Some sparks from memory

Some sparks from memory is a  chronological collection of writings providing glimpses into the life and times during our passage through life. These are  not biographical sketches or historical record of events.  These are personal reminiscences of the times.  The world has changed beyond recognition since then, particularly during the last fifty to sixty years.  A casual peep into the past may look totally unreal to the present generation. It is difficult to believe and visualize, that, there has been a long march,  through toils and tears by millions of people, which has brought us to an era, where people take everything for granted.  The present generation is intelligent, sharp, resourceful and  outgoing and inspite of all the problems, that, beset the world today, the onward march will continue and with all the resources,  knowhow and management skills available to us to-day, the day is not far, when everybody will have an opportunity to flash a smile on his  face and will be in a position to contribute to the overall growth and development of the country and this sprawling humanity.

Sparks of memory are organised into 7 detailed  parts with each containing multiple chapters below:

Part I : Good old days

Part II : Ups and downs of life

Part III : Lucknow:  The days of transition

Part IV : Allahabad: Beginnings of a new trail

Part V : Ajmer: Far from the beaten path

Part VI : Jodhpur: Eventful Years

Part VII: Jodhpur : The Last Lap