Ajmer: Far from the Beaten Path

Part V: Ajmer: Far from the beaten path

         We landed at Ajmer on January 7, 1958 after a brief stay of two days at Jodhpur. Rajasthan was a young state at that time  and development projects in all sectors of the economy were gradually picking up steam. Qualified technical persons and professionals of almost all categories,  were in incessant demand from all quarters. The need of the hour was to provide sufficient number of qualified persons at a brisk pace and to equip them with job oriented  knowledge  and skills, that could help them in   pushing the wheels of ongoing processes of development. Principals of Government Polytechnics in Rajasthan had been declared as heads of departments by the state government, with almost full administrative, financial and academic powers in all matters related to their institutions, to enable them to work freely and to utilize their  initiatives and drives for the growth and development of raw youth into dedicated and aspiring  professionals.

Ajmer Polytechnic was scheduled to function  from July 1958. Naturally, everything,  including accomodation,  equipment and staff had to be improvised immediately, for smooth functioning of the  institution,   without waiting for the development of permanent infrastructure, including land and buildings.  Ajmer and some of its  towns like Beawer had excellent educational institutions, but due to lack of higher institutions  for technical and professional studies in the state, a large number of talented young boys were drawn to the newly established polytechnic at Ajmer. They were highly motivated young boys and they harboured high aspirations and expectations. The challenge for the institution was to provide to  them adequate opportunities for  involvement into all types of  innovative and creative activities, which could serve as a springboard   for   launching them successfully  in their  professional careers and for ultimate realization of their nascent dreams.

Following chapters discuss these in detail:

  1. Long march from east to west                       
  2. Ajmer Merwara                                                                      
  3. Settling down at Ajmer                                                            
  4. Opening day of Ajmer Polytechnic                                
  5. Early days of the institution                                                     
  6. Search for a permanent location                                              
  7. Settling down at Makhupura                                                    
  8. Polytechnic starts ticking at Makhupura  
  9. Getting into the groove                                                            
  10. Trip  to  Chittorgarh                                                                    
  11. Mass participation in games and sports                                
  12. Passing out of first batch                                                            
  13. Sudden call from Jodhpur                                                        
  14. Shuttling between Jodhpur and Ajmer