10. Democracy

Concept:  Democracy is all about people. And the word people is supposed to include all the people, cutting through all the barriers of caste, creed and religion and social, economic and political considerations. Democracy is about a social order, where everybody has sufficient opportunities for socially productive work and has the freedom to utilize his talents, physical capabilities and resources  for the satisfaction of his urges, aspirations and  inclinations.

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9. Dissent, Discontentment, Demonstrations and Agitation

Dissent: All creations of nature are unique. No rules can define their feelings, reactions  or  behaviour. Human beings are no exception. Every man or woman is different. Physically, mentally, intellectually and in his initiatives, urges and dreams. Left alone, the man is creative, is  a visualizer and  has all the energy, capacity, will and determination  to work wonders and if necessary, to drive a lone furrow.  

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8. People

Sounds from the universe: Look at any of the  nights, full of twinkling little stars, jostling with each other, for finding some breathing space, somewhere in the crowded shell.  It may be fascinating. It may be mesmerizing.   Look at the  little specs of light.  Look at the small groups of tiny little objects  and their unfolding patterns. Look at the  clusters,  galaxies, milky way  and all that can catch your eye. Look at the sounds and the message they seem to be radiating.

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7. Reservation

1. Reservation: May God forgive them, because they do not know, what they are doing. What an innocent lot? They do not even know, that, for serving  their little vested interests, they have thoroughly divided the society. Reservation literally means, that, we are opting for doing something, which is slightly or substantially less than the best.  

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6. Pursuit of Excellence

1. Beginnings:  Man is a wonderful creation of nature. He is intelligent. He is innovative. He is ambitious. He has his dreams and he can soar high up in the skies. He is also down to earth and has all the endurance and perseverance to survive  under the most diverse  circumstances. He is a great egoist and tenacious fighter and at the same time he is full of   humility and has a very soft interior, which can make him sacrifice all that he has for providing solace and relief to anybody and everybody.

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5. Opportunities for Work

1.  The People:  Whatever the country, nationality, religion, caste, creed or culture, there are only two classes of people in this world. One is, what is commonly known as  the  privileged class and the other is the unprivileged class or  the down trodden class. Floating in between them is  the middle class. Nucleus of the privileged class is built round those people, who themselves  and whose forefathers have been men of initiative and drive.  

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4. Motivation

Common man:  It is a common scene in the early hours of the morning to see people walking briskly along the roads, public parks, lake fronts and other peaceful places.  They are motivated people with a keen desire to gulp fresh air and to keep themselves in trim.  Soon after, you can see cars, 3-wheelers and school buses ferrying children to schools.  This represents the motivation of the parents from all walks of life and all strata of society to provide the benefit of learning to their children. 

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3. Relationships

Relationships: When the man rose from the great deluge, he had almost nothing to see except  wilderness on vast stretches of land. Gradually, as civilization developed, relationships were formed. Concern for  the near and dear ones, affinity for all those who were in contact, care of the old and infirm, dependence on those who were innovative, powerful and productive and regard and respect for the parents, elderly people, mentors and benefactors provided the initial bonds between individuals and groups of individuals.

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2. Perceptions

Growth of a system: Nature has provided the fullest freedom to every creature living on this earth. Only a few thousand years back  the man  moved freely in the jungles, hunted for food, had his kill and was able to satisfy all his wants. Thereafter, he had all the  time available to him to lie down and relax. There were mountains, there were green valleys and there were lakes and rivers  with a liberal supply of life giving food and water.

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1. Life

The Universe:  Once upon a time, it was thought, that, the mother earth is the centre of the universe and all other stars including the sun were spinning round it. How could the prodigal sons of the soil think otherwise. It took millions of years for  the man to find, that, the planet earth was one of the little objects spinning round the sun, along with a large  family of  planets and satellites, big and small, separated by astronomical distances.

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