Stray Thoughts
By Satyanarain Goel
Stray thoughts represent a series of articles based on day to day problems in the lives of the common man in almost all countries. These were initially recorded for maintaining some sort of communication with our children and other members of the family, friends and acquaintances. The underlying theme is that nature is bountiful and with all the know-how, management skills and resources available to us, it is possible for everybody living on this planet to have sufficient opportunities for engagement in socially useful productive work and for leading happy, satisfying and hassle-free life.
9. Dissent, Discontentment, Demonstrations and Agitation
8. People
7. Reservation
6. Pursuit of Excellence
5. Opportunities for Work
4. Motivation
Common man: It is a common scene in the early hours of the morning to see people walking briskly along the roads, public parks, lake fronts and other peaceful places. They are motivated people with a keen desire to gulp fresh air and to keep themselves in trim. Soon after, you can see cars, 3-wheelers and school buses ferrying children to schools. This represents the motivation of the parents from all walks of life and all strata of society to provide the benefit of learning to their children.
3. Relationships
Relationships: When the man rose from the great deluge, he had almost nothing to see except wilderness on vast stretches of land. Gradually, as civilization developed, relationships were formed. Concern for the near and dear ones, affinity for all those who were in contact, care of the old and infirm, dependence on those who were innovative, powerful and productive and regard and respect for the parents, elderly people, mentors and benefactors provided the initial bonds between individuals and groups of individuals.
2. Perceptions
Growth of a system: Nature has provided the fullest freedom to every creature living on this earth. Only a few thousand years back the man moved freely in the jungles, hunted for food, had his kill and was able to satisfy all his wants. Thereafter, he had all the time available to him to lie down and relax. There were mountains, there were green valleys and there were lakes and rivers with a liberal supply of life giving food and water.
1. Life
The Universe: Once upon a time, it was thought, that, the mother earth is the centre of the universe and all other stars including the sun were spinning round it. How could the prodigal sons of the soil think otherwise. It took millions of years for the man to find, that, the planet earth was one of the little objects spinning round the sun, along with a large family of planets and satellites, big and small, separated by astronomical distances.