1. Good and evil: Right and wrong, good and bad, virtue and sin and divine and demonic tendencies have been playing hide and seek with the feelings of man since times immemorial. Usually, gods and goddesses symbolize all that is good and virtuous in life and they provide an inspiration to the people to lead happy, peaceful, purposeful and satisfying lives in an environment of love, affection, understanding and goodwill, gradually developing fraternal links with almost all elements of the creation. The nature is richly endowed and all that is needed, is to live and work in harmony to make this little planet, not only slightly better, but much better than what it is. Devils represent the other side of the coin and have always been there to brainwash people to disrupt and demolish all that is good in life. Those who draw inspiration from their demonic and devilish tendencies, become cruel and ruthless and start relying on weapons of awe and terror.
20. Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas
Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas: Sabka sath sabka vikas or surging ahead, hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, is an excellent concept. It conveys almost everything for making this world a better place, than what it is and for flashing a glow on the faces of almost everybody, irrespective of his or her caste, creed, … Read more