20. Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas

Sabka Sath Sabka Vikas: Sabka sath sabka vikas or surging ahead, hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder, is an   excellent  concept. It conveys almost everything for making this world a better place, than what it is and for flashing a glow on the faces of  almost everybody, irrespective of his or her caste, creed, … Read more

19. Crimes and Criminality

Crimes: Look at any of the newspapers, anywhere and in any language,  and you will find the papers full of news about all types of crimes perpetrated by different types of people, almost everywhere. The electronic media vies with each other in picking up the minutest details of criminal acts, and they keep harping about … Read more

18. Inequalities and Diversities

Inequalities and diversities: Man has been gazing at the twinkling little stars since times immemorial. He has been fascinated all the time by those luminous dots hanging in the skies with invisible threads. There are billions and billions of stars, big and small, rushing through the unbounded space in the universe. The chase goes on … Read more

17. Sovereign Power

Sovereignity: Soverignity is considered as a symbol of supreme power or authority. In the good old days tribal leaders worked for the overall good and welfare of their clan and in the process exercised almost absolute authority in the day to day affairs of the tribe. All members of the tribe were bound to each … Read more

16. Living and working with each other

Family: Family has different meanings for different people. In the good old days, joint families were very common and normally ten to fifteen members lived together. In the present context, family is expected to include husband, wife and one or two children. Times have changed and the concept of families has undergone a lot of … Read more

15. Crowd Pullers

Crowd Pullers: Look at the front page advertisements in the leading newspapers, magazines and journals, offering travel from anywhere to anywhere for a rupee or a dollar. Naturally, there is a mad rush, almost akin to stampede. Look at the full page advertisements of leading stores announcing sales at throwaway prices and immediately, there is … Read more

14. Good and Evil

1.     Good and evil: Right and wrong, good and bad, virtue and sin and  divine and demonic tendencies  have been playing hide and seek with the feelings of man since times immemorial. Usually, gods and goddesses symbolize  all that is good and virtuous in life and they provide an inspiration to the people to lead happy, peaceful, purposeful and satisfying lives in an environment of  love, affection, understanding and goodwill, gradually developing  fraternal links with almost all elements of the creation. The nature is richly endowed and all that is needed, is to live and work in harmony to make this little planet, not only slightly better, but much better than what it is.  Devils represent the other side of the coin and have always been there to brainwash people to disrupt and demolish all that is good in life. Those who draw inspiration from their demonic and devilish tendencies,  become  cruel and ruthless and start relying on  weapons of awe and terror.

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13. Violence

Acts of violence:  Some shots were fired in the dark at Abraham Lincoln in a theatre. A sharp shooter fired shots at John Kennedy in broad day light from a rooftop during a ceremonial procession. Mahatma Gandhi got shots at point blank range from the assassin during a prayer meeting. Indira Gandhi was shot by  her own guard during a stroll at her residence. They were all powerful people, protected at all times, by different levels of stringent  security cover.  They were popular leaders, held in high esteem by the their people. Times were different. Places were different. Targets were different. The assassins were different.  But, all these were acts of violence. Perpetrated by unknown, but obsessed and may be mentally deranged  individuals. All assassins tried to escape after the heinous acts.

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12. General Elections 2014

1. Elections:  Buggles have been sounded. Drums are beating. Rallies are on. Motley crowds are blocking all streets and corners. There is a mad rush for getting out of the heap and gripping the moon. Every individual has his dreams.  He has his ambitions. Nobody wants to be left behind. Power is a great motivator. It is here. It is there and it is everywhere. It appears to be within grasp. It is like a mirage. Very near, but very far. Very illusive. Very intoxicating.

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11. Rule of law

1. Rule of Law:  Some of the enterprising and dedicated people are sitting high up on the space stations and are orbiting the earth for days, weeks or months with an obsession to unfold the mysteries of nature. Giant steam ships or floating islands are ruthlessly tearing through the high seas almost all the time with motley crowds of people, linking the scattered islands, countries and continents.  

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