About Satyanarain Goel

Satya Narain Goel
6, Pal Link Road, Jodhpur, 342008
Rajasthan, India

Telephone : +91-291-2752835
Email: sngoel25@gmail.com

Personal website: www.sngoel.in
Family website: www.kalawati-brijbhushanlal.in

Personal background:  Born at Banswara, Rajasthan, India on 18 January 1925. Had early education at Bundi and Kota in Rajasthan followed by B.A. in Mathematics and Economics from Meerut College affiliated to Agra University in  U. P. Graduated as a Civil Engineer in the year 1945 from Thomason College of Civil Engineering Roorkee in India, subsequently known as University of Roorkee and now known as  Indian  Institute of  Technology, Roorkee.   Completed  Master of Civil Engineering  ( Water Resources Development)  from the University of Roorkee in the year 1969.

Professional Background: Worked in the irrigation department of the government of U.P. in India for a period of six years.  Was associated during this period with the running, maintenance, and construction of different types of irrigation and drainage works,  flood protection works buildings and power stations.

Subsequently, worked as a Lecturer in Civil Engineering at Lucknow in U.P. from 1951 to 1955. Joined as Vice-Principal and established Allahabad Polytechnic in UP from 1955 to 1958. Moved to Rajasthan as Principal Polytechnic under the government of Rajasthan and established  Ajmer Polytechnic from 1958 to 1961 and Jodhpur Polytechnic from 1961 to 1975.  The main thrust during this period was to ensure mass participation of students in games and sports, along with social, cultural, and academic activities, and to develop an insatiable craving in individuals to surge ahead.

Worked as Director of Technical Education of the Government of Rajasthan from 1975 to 1980. Developed and operated training and retraining programs at all levels to ensure that every student passing out from technical institutions of the state was equipped with the necessary knowledge and job skills for employment or self-employment and for the assumption of direct responsibility in the field or on the shop floor.

Retired from the services of the Government of Rajasthan in January 1980. Taught at Harare Polytechnic in Zimbabwe for two years from 1983 to 1984 under a project of the World University Service of Canada, funded by the Canadian International Development Agency.  All students were in-service people, hardworking and keen to learn.

Was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers USA and a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers ( India).

Krishan Bala Goel

Krishan Bala Goel was born on 15 September 1929 at Meerut in U.P. She is the daughter of Shrimati Ratan Devi and Dr. Prayag Chandra Mithal, who was a popular medical practitioner of  Meerut.

Krishan Bala Goel had early education at Meerut. She passed her High School Examination in 1944 and Intermediate Examination in 1946 from  Raghunath Girls College, Meerut.  She was married on 10 December 1946, at Meerut and dedicated her life to the bringing up of children and the welfare of the family. All our children are, what they are, due to the unflinching care, love, and affection rendered by her to them, during their formative years. She completed her B.A. from Agra University after her marriage.

She has all along been socially very active and has participated enthusiastically in the cultural, intellectual, and charitable activities of neighborhoods, ladies clubs, and other ladies’ forums.