Freedom from Fear

Freedom from Fear: There were wide spread arrests of political leaders, immediately after the promulgation of emergency. All voices of dissent were curbed. Freedom of the press was curtailed and the judiciary, as also the legislatures were made pliable. All strikes, demonstrations and agitations were curbed. Political leaders of the opposition, their families and large sections of the people had gone through severe depressing conditions during twenty-one months of the emergency. Naturally, immediately after becoming the prime minister, Morarji Desai vehemently emphasized the need for ensuring freedom from fear for the people. He had a feeling that, unless the people shed fear, it was not possible to resurrect democratic institutions and to involve the people whole heartedly in the process of development. He also sought the co-operation of the opposition for rendering all possible help to the people in the process.   And, suddenly the bubble burst. The clarion call by the prime minister was picked up by all and sundry. There was wide spread jubilation, everywhere, with a surge of all types of rallies and  demonstrations. Boisterous crowds had a  taste of free and unfettered freedom. Freedom from fear and from all  ifs, buts and established laws, rules and regulations.

Democracy: Democracy is all about people. And the word people is supposed to include all the people, cutting through all the barriers of caste, creed and religion and social, economic and political affiliations. Democracy is about a social order, where everybody has sufficient opportunities for socially productive work and has the freedom to utilize his talents, physical capabilities and resources  for the satisfaction of his urges, aspirations and  inclinations. Democracy provides ample space for everybody for the realization of his dreams, be they intellectuals, capitalists, workers or farmers.  Democracy makes it possible for everybody to have  his own pie  and helps in the development of  a congenial environment, so that, everybody has  the freedom to shape it and expand it. Democracy is  about  enjoying  the fruits of one’s  labour in a free and unfettered manner, without any fear and outside hassles. Democracy encourages unity in diversity. There are no class conflicts between rich and poor and  labour and capital. Democracy  dismantles all   man made  barriers between man and man, based on  social, economic and  political considerations or affinities   based on caste, creed and  religion.  In a democracy, people stand together, work together, shoulder to shoulder and feel concerned  for each other and  for the welfare of the community and for the growth and development of the country.

Rallies and Demonstrations: Rallies and demonstrations help in ventilating  and highlighting grievances and many other issues.  Rallies and demonstrations bring spotlight on the established leaders and throw up some aspiring and impatient faces for leadership. Demonstrations provide a beeline for donors and sponsors. Rallies and demonstrations bring cheer to the media, who start vying with each other for providing uninterrupted  coverage in the hope of grabbing the lion’s share of readership and viewership. Rallies and demonstrations also provide tremendous opportunity to organizers, fundraisers, crowd pullers and a host of other intermediaries. Gradually, vested interests develop and there is an unending craving for staging rallies and demonstrations, now and then,  for some cause or the other.  Gradually, the  issues and grievances fade into the background and   the spectacle takes over.

Agitation: Agitation involves picking up issues of public concern and mobilizing the masses  and public opinion for putting pressure on the establishment, local government, regional government or national government and their associated institutions. Naturally, the establishment or administration, which is normally involved in providing safety, security,   and other essential   services to the people, is forced to divert its attention and resources for containing the agitation and at the same time, for minimizing the adverse impact of the agitation on the general public. When the agitations are prolonged or frequent, the administration has a tendency to get overstretched and demoralized and it loses its inclination and will to act effectively and take appropriate initiatives.  Unfortunately, whenever the administration   tries to resolve the grievances peacefully,  the word goes round that nothing can be got done or achieved, unless there is an agitation. It is where the chain reaction is ignited and all types of agitations, big and small, for raising concerns and  high lighting different  types of grievances  find foothold.  These demonstrations and agitations are very soon high jacked  by self confessed puritans, devil’s advocates and vested interests, who can be found lurking everywhere, for picking up the best possible opportunities for embarrassing and even confronting the establishment and the  government.

Life during janata rule: By and large, the people felt happy and relaxed with the win of the janata party in the general elections and formation of janata government under Morarji Desai. The exuberance and buoyancy of common man and flashes of brightness on their faces was a clear  reflection of the newly acquired freedom. They started identifying janata government as their own government and gradually, the expectations of the common man began to soar high up in the air. Rallies, demonstrations, dharnas, bandhs soon followed soon followed and by and by,  the people got used to the inconveniences.

Public Services: Public Services are the face of the government. Whatever, be the set up, public services are responsible for the implementation of the policies and programmes of the government. All public servants have well defined functions and responsibilities and they carry with them the authority of the government for implementation. If at any time, the authority begins to shake, the public services get demoralized and get into the shell. As the days rolled on and the expectations of the people rose, dharnas and  gheraos of the public services in the offices,  and their residences became frequent, with ever growing charters of demands.