5. Opportunities for Work

1.  The People:  Whatever the country, nationality, religion, caste, creed or culture, there are only two classes of people in this world. One is, what is commonly known as  the  privileged class and the other is the unprivileged class or  the down trodden class. Floating in between them is  the middle class. Nucleus of the privileged class is built round those people, who themselves  and whose forefathers have been men of initiative and drive.  They  picked up all types of  opportunities for  work and advancement in life, as and when they got them and they undertook all the risks involved in completing  difficult  and painstaking tasks. Everybody belonging to the privileged class may not be equally energetic and  innovative and may not have that  dash and initiative, but they sail through with their mentors and continue to bask in the glow of their achievements. Bulk of the people belonging to the unprivileged class are those, who lack opportunities for work and advancement in life, for reasons embedded in the history and geography  of their caste, creed,  race, culture and religion. The greatest wonder is that they have survived and continue to survive, inspite of all the odds. In the  middle class, some people with initiative and drive,  pick up  opportunities for work and advancement in life and gradually  move up the ladder to the privileged class. Whereas, those who lack initiative and drive and miss the   opportunities available to them, gradually  slide down to the ranks of uprivileged class.     The pattern is the same throughout the world. The difference is only in the numbers.  In the affluent countries social security nets are available  to mitigate the hardship of the unprivileged class and to enable them to live a reasonably satisfied and peaceful life.   In less affluent and poor countries, the unprivileged class does not have anything to protect them and the consequent result is malnutrition and hunger, ultimately leading to social unrest, stunted growth and deteriorating law and order problems.
2. Countries: The world is divided into  so called developed countries, developing countries and undeveloped countries. Developed countries have been  lands of opportunities. For centuries, they have served as strong  magnets for the collection of best human material and physical resources of the world. People from the undeveloped and developing countries have been making a bee line to the developed countries for education, trade, business and settlement. The flow has always been unending and  unabated. USA the most developed of all the developed countries, is a land of immigrants. It is a living example of what the human material and human endeavour can achieve, from almost a scratch.  USA has been able to build up a strong infra-structure and all the affluence and sophistication, which has placed it on a high economic pedestal and has enabled it to  provide a helping hand for the economic development and prosperity of almost all countries of the world.  Consequently, a number of developing countries in Asia and Pacific rim have gradually risen from scratch and have developed large opportunities for productive work, leading to a reverse flow of wealth, industries and talent from developed countries of  the west to the developing countries of the east.
3. Opportunities for work:    The dreams of a common man are usually very modest and close to realities. All that he wishes is, availability of sufficient opportunities for work and the freedom to enjoy the fruits of his labour in a relaxed manner, in an environment of safety, security and goodwill. Opportunities for scrambling two square meals a day,   gradually kindle in him the urge for improving facilities for better shelter, better education and better health. These are common urges. Everybody has them and with proper environment and opportunity, everybody has the capacity to cross the hump. With all the scientific advancement, millions of people, all over the world, are suffering from hunger, malnutrition, disease, unhealthy living conditions and poverty. All nations and almost all international bodies have continuously thought about it and have been pouring billions of dollars and other resources in aid every year, for the alleviation of the sufferings of these unfortunate people, but the problems are colossal and appear to be unending. To-day China has assumed the role of manufacturing centre of the world. The industries from all over the world have moved to China and the movement continues unabated. The simple secret is opportunities for productive work available there. Similarly, India is fast becoming, the service centre of the world. All major corporations of the world have a presence in India and multifarious service tasks of the world are handled here. Again the secret is ready availability of world-class pool of highly trained, english speaking professional manpower in the country and unlimited opportunities of work for them.
4. Pace setters: Everybody knows that the problems of the world are diverse and complex and have almost gone out of control. It has not been possible for any individual, organization, state or international body to provide reasonable solutions and relief to any of the problems, within the present environment, resources and constraints.  A mad race seems to have been sparked. Growth and development are the buzz words. The billionaires and millionaires  are jostling with each other for finding some elbow space at the top of the pyramid,  whenever and wherever, they can find an opportunity to squeeze in. They are the persons, who are able to harness almost all opportunities for work and are in a position to manipulate the wheels of  trade, commerce and industry in almost all countries of the world. They provide fuel to the  world’s economic powerhouse and all indicators and parameters of the world economy look to them, like weather cocks, for dancing to their tunes. With proper insight, intentions and initiatives, they have the potential for freeing  the world from most of its ailments  and for  generating sufficient  opportunities for work for toiling millions,  which can arrest the growing trends of   social unrest,  unemployment, underemployment, malnutrition and hunger.
Closely following the leaders  is a growing bunch of young, talented, energetic and obsessed  entrepreneurs, who have been experimenting with anything and everything that occurs to them, thereby, breaking all conventional barriers and are moving up the ladder on a fast track. They are the persons who provide bones, muscle and momentum to the economy. They provide the pedestal to the leaders to climb up the ladder and have been able to carve out a significant identity of their own in the economy. Trained in some of the best  professional and business schools of the world, they have the expertise, will, ideas and resources   to provide unlimited opportunities of work for the common man.
5. Toiling millions: This is a vast group of   people who swat and work, day  and night and in spite of all their tears and toils, they find it difficult to scramble two square meals a   day  and to look after the health, education and welfare of their family. They form the backbone of agriculture in almost all countries of the world and are responsible for providing uninterrupted   supply of food and other essential goods and services for   billions of people scattered in the remotest corners of  the earth. No construction or development project or social, political or administrative activity is possible without their dedicated involvement. They provide push to the wheels of trade, commerce and industry and are always available for all types of regular or odd jobs in the private or public sector. They carry the rich and  neo-rich greats and all types of power brokers on their shoulders   and continue to survive silently at subsistence level or below subsistence level throughout their lives. Billions of dollars are being spent year after  year by individuals, charitable institutions, governments and  international agencies   for their  relief and for lifting them, above subsistence level. Relief is good, all  efforts are laudable, but, dole is a dole.  It does not provide strength or motivation to the people to stand on their own legs. It should not need much of  thought, intelligence or common sense to see that  common man is also  a man. He has his likes, dislikes, interests, initiatives and talents. Common men are also part of the system, to which everybody including the high, mighty and powerful people of the world  belong. They do not have any aspirations for  the moon. They have no conflicts with anybody. All that they need is better opportunities of productive work and sufficient dispersal of such opportunities everywhere,  in all countries and in all regions, to enable them to rise to the heights, which belong to them and to enable them to  have a reasonable shot for the fulfillment of some of  their modest dreams.