18. Inequalities and Diversities

Inequalities and diversities: Man has been gazing at the twinkling little stars since times immemorial. He has been fascinated all the time by those luminous dots hanging in the skies with invisible threads. There are billions and billions of stars, big and small, rushing through the unbounded space in the universe. The chase goes on and on and nobody really knows, how it started and what is going to be its end. All celestial bodies are different. Their masses are different. Their movements and rotations are different and each one of them has an identity of its own. The wonder of wonders is that they keep moving in perfect harmony, without bumping into each other, religiously following the simple laws of nature. Look at the flora and fauna. Every plant, every flower, every fruit and even every blade of grass is different, but each one of them grows and grows in its own way and you can see them happy, roaring and kicking. All types of creatures can be found almost everywhere, in the remotest nooks and corners of the earth. They are all different. Their habitats are different. Their food habits and living conditions are different. But all of them are able to fend for themselves for happy living and survival.

Human beings are a unique creation of nature. You can find them in different colours, different sizes, different masses and different living conditions, scattered all around the globe. Nature is bountiful. It provides freely, a liberal supply of air, water, heat and light for everybody for survival and healthy living. There is an unlimited stretch of land girdling the earth, with a green cover for subsistence and a storehouse of precious minerals for growth and development. Man has been exploiting the bounties of nature freely for decades, centuries and millenniums and has gradually transformed the whole scene on the surface of the earth. Skylines are changing at every place. Transport and communications have revolutionized the ways of life of the people and in the process have made a substantial contribution in making this little planet truly global. Conglomerates of production and marketing networks have made most of the consumption brands, household names in the remotest hamlets and villages. Meanwhile, the ever widening gap in the living conditions between man and man keeps growing.

Unity in diversity: All members of a family are different, but, they are related to each other by bonds of love and affection and concern for each other and that link provides strength and support to each other. In a village, hamlet or neighbourhood, everybody is different. Their resources and living conditions are different. Their caste, creed, religion and vocations are different, but, they meet freely with each other, as man to man and provide help and support to each other, from considerations of happiness, safety and security. As we move on to the states, people start losing direct contact with each other and interest groups based on caste, creed, religion, ideology, language and socio-economic and political considerations start taking shape and the process of dividing people is initiated. Moving further at the national and international level, there are more things that divide the people, than those which bind them. Every individual, male or female, young or old, rich or poor, living anywhere on the planet, from any region, country or continent, belonging to any nationality, hue or colour, professing any religion, has a hankering for peace, safety and security and has a longing for a congenial environment for the pursuit of his modest dreams. Nobody is after the moon. Everybody wants to work and contribute and seeks opportunities for socially useful productive work. Look at any of the commercial or industrial establishments, different types and different levels of people join their hands, heads and hearts and work freely in tandem for chasing challenging goals. The phenomenon can be witnessed at almost all public places like schools, colleges, hospitals, public parks, markets and other places where people congregate. Whenever there are national emergencies or national disasters, people set aside all their inequalities and diversities and solidly stand as one man, to face the emerging problems and calamities.

People: In the good old days, the children grew freely in open surroundings, gulping fresh air, looking at the rising sun, running in the parks, tracking on the forest trails, climbing trees and playing all types of improvised games in the public parks and streets. They mixed freely with all and sundry. As they grew, they went to schools, colleges and institutions of professional and higher learning. When all that ended, they found all types of opportunities for work waiting for them. They picked up, whatever was available and gradually, step by step, they started making some space up the ladder. They had aspirations to do something and perhaps, something better and in the process they kept moving. They were common people with modest dreams and felt happy and satisfied with whatever they did and whatever they could achieve and whatever they could contribute to their family and to the people in contact with them. Some of the all time greats have gone through this process and have risen from this motley heap of common people and in course of time were able to blaze trails for bringing about a change in the lives of millions and millions of people.

Things have changed substantially since then. Everything is on the fast track. There is a tremendous explosion of knowledge. There is specialization followed by super-specialization almost everywhere and it keeps going on and on. There are revolutionary advances in the methods of production and marketing networks and their strategies. There is cut-throat competition everywhere and at every level. People are moving from villages and hamlets to cities, from cities to metros, from one state to another and from one country to another in pursuit of better opportunities. All perspectives are getting global. Everything is on line, for everybody to click and see. Children are unfolding world scorching gadgets in their teens. Boys in their twenties are floating startups and are chasing spots of millionaires and billionaires. There is a proliferation of high-end jobs and naturally, everybody harbours dreams to stand on the top of the pyramid. In the meantime, the common man looks at the mad race with all the wonder and awe.

The World as it is: The world is a storehouse of all the inequalities and diversities. The developed countries of the world export specialized know-how and sophisticated machines and equipment to the developing countries and in return, import shiploads of essential raw materials for feeding their industries. In the process, they keep multiplying their high-end jobs and keep out-sourcing low-end jobs to the developing countries. The prosperity and living conditions of the developed countries, serves as a magnet to attract the best and most talented human material of the world, who leave their distant homelands for the fulfillment of their dreams. It looks strange, that, the people from poor and undeveloped or developing countries, who leave their homelands, due to lack of suitable opportunities are able to make a substantial contribution to the development of most developed countries of the world. Meanwhile, in almost every country around the world, there are pockets, where people get reconciled to living below subsistence level, due to socioeconomic and political neglect and lack of sufficient opportunities for socially useful productive work.

Conclusion: Every living person in the world has certain basic talents, physical and intellectual capabilities and soaring aspirations and dreams. As time rolls on, most of the people get into the groves, pick up the beaten paths and settle down. Some of them keep the flame burning. They keep moving, on and on, till they find a congenial place and environment, where they find sufficient elbow space to work freely in the pursuit of their aspirations and dreams. United States of America is one such place, where millions of people have migrated from different countries, during the last two hundred years and have briskly gone up the ladder, for the realization of their aspirations and cherished dreams. In the process, they were able to make substantial contribution towards innovation, research, growth and development of USA, thereby making it the most developed and leading country of the world. The miracle has been repeated in a number of countries on the Pacific Rim and some of the developing countries of the world, during the last fifty years. The password was outsourcing from the developed countries and creation of substantial opportunities for work. Getting back to the problems of all the ailing, poor, undeveloped and developing countries of the world, the over-riding priority seems to be, the dispersion of most of the available opportunities of work to every state, to every district and to every hamlet, village or neighbourhood. Nobody wants to pick up the moon, but, if every person finds sufficient opportunities for work knocking within his reach, he can make a move and keep moving and ultimately, he can be in the breathing space for having some shots at his wildest aspirations and dreams.